Tuesday, 14 September 2010

New Zealand Day 8 & 9

Drove to the biggest Windmill Farm in NZ accidently! Right on top of a mountain! Great views and very noisy! Tricky drive!
Had a beach picnic at lunchtime by the Tasman Sea.

Arrived at Martinborough - wine country! John & Tim found plenty to amuse them!

Streets were in the shape of a Union Jack!

Day 9

Drove to Wellington and had breakfast in the Chocolate Fish (used by the film crew of Lord of the Rings). Wonderful calm crossing to South Island ( no 40ft waves in the Cook Strait). Stunning scenery as we approached Picton.

Luv the Mums xx


  1. Pictures look amazing!
    Tim looks deep in thought playing chess HA HA HA, I take it this was before any wine tasting!

    Mum have you managed so far without washing clothes?

    Also Amber is now officially crawling and she is very quick.

    Love Lou xxxx

  2. We are having a fab time and I have only washed 3 of dad's shirts so far!

    Can't wait to see Amber in action!

    Luv to everyone

    The Mums xxx
